An assortment of pics–for now, unorganized…
UMX Turbo Timber flying UMX Turbo Timber flying UMX Turbo Timber UMX Turbo Timber in the snow UMX Turbo Timber in the snow UMX Turbo Timber on the ground UMX Turbo Timber on the ground EC1500 Twin Cargo daytime on ground EC1500 Twin Cargo FPV setup EC1500 Twin Cargo FPV setup EC1500 Twin Cargo display EC1500 Twin Cargo closeup EC1500 Twin Cargo wingspan 5+ft EC1500 Twin Cargo — cargo door EC1500 Twin Cargo 5ft on ground Panoramic of Cottonwood, Alabama airfield with Apprentice 15 taxiing Apprentice 15 upside down for battery insertion; T-28 Trojan ready for take-off
These are pretty cool Ryan!
Thanks, Jeremy! How goes?